History of Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church
Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church is one of the oldest churches of Stanly County. The church was organized March 21, 1846, by the Presbytery composed of Elders John Lambert and W.M.M. Rushing. The first deed of record to the church was made to the members of Liberty Hill Church on November 26, 1846, by John Huneycutt, for the sum of $1.00 for an acre “as long as there remains a Baptist Church of the same faith and order at the said Liberty Hill.” One of our younger members, Brother Joe Hatley, is a great, great, great-grandson of John Huneycutt.

The Original Liberty Hill Primitive Baptist Church Building
This acre of ground was located a few hundred yards west of the present church site, and on the south side of the present highway. An old log building stood on this land until 1904. At this time the church was moved to the present site near the old Cagle Cemetery, and a frame building was erected. This land was bought from John Allen Burris. Later some two and a half acres of additional land was obtained from G.P. Burris in exchange for the original one acre, on which was buried the well-known Elder N.M. Clark. His grave has been moved to the present well-kept graveyard.
In the conference meeting on November 1, 1952, the matter of building a new church was discussed, and a motion and by a motion and second, a committee was appointed to get together the cost and a plan for building a new church. The following brethren were appointed on that committee: Hobart Medlin, L.M. Whitley, and Ellis Huneycutt. Brother Fred Lee Huneycutt was to serve as chairman of the finance committee.
This was the beginning of the construction for the present building we enjoy today. Much of the labor and materials for this building were so graciously given to the church. The building committee was released from any further obligations in the conference meeting on Saturday, February 04, 1956, with the building being completed.