Lawyer Springs Primitive Baptist Church is located in Peachland, NC. Its pastor is Elder James Carelock. You will find meeting information, including virtual meetings, articles, and other resources included on their website, as well as extensive information about the church’s history.
Meadow Creek Primitive Baptist Church is located in Locust, NC. Its pastor is Elder Eddie Fowler. On their website, you will find information about their meetings, as well as an archive of past sermons and more.
Bethel Primitive Baptist Church is located in Calabash, NC. Its pastor is Elder Michael Goins. On their website, you will find information about their meetings, an archive of past sermons,and much more.
Bethel Primitive Baptist Church is located in Goodlettsville, TN. Its pastor is Elder Ronald Lawrence. On their website, you will find information about their meetings, past sermons, podcast episodes and, more.